Usually a small gathering, this year we had over 30 new and old members, allies and our local politician, Jonty Bush.
The increased attendance is due to the Organisational Capacity Building project.
Our newest Management Committee member, James Nono welcomed people with a heartfelt acknowledgement to country. Three members, Bic, Francoise and Cuc shared their story of receiving advocacy from AMPARO. Other emerging leaders shared aspects of their experiences. We also showcased AMPARO’s history and discussed the important difference advocacy makes to people’s lives. A lovely, heartwarming event.
“I talked and I am happy. I liked the welcome, – I liked how to talk to each other and the food we shared”.
“I feel so good. If you meet me 2 years ago, I couldn’t talk. Now I have confidence talking to people. The Morning Tea make me open mind more and listen to others story and others culture. I meet new people.”