Individual Advocacy

AMPARO Advocacy recognises that societal responses to people with disability can be extremely inadequate and strong social advocacy on their behalf is often needed.

AMPARO Advocacy undertakes independent social advocacy with and on behalf of vulnerable people from a CALD background with disability to defend, protect and promote their rights and interests, and to address issues of social and economic isolation, unfair treatment and discrimination. Advocacy respectfully challenges poor approaches and responses by service systems and recognises the importance of close personal relationships as a safeguard for vulnerable people with disability.

AMPARO will provide state-wide individual advocacy that upholds the human rights, interests and well-being of people from the CALD backgrounds with disability. This works also aims to build the capacity of individuals to exercise choice and control over their lives. AMPARO accepts referrals from individuals themselves / family members / friends /government and community agencies, including the Queensland Disability Advocacy Hub (QDAH). If resources permit, AMPARO will also seek out isolated and vulnerable people from a CALD background who have a disability.

AMPARO represents those who are most at risk and least able to represent or defend their own rights and interests, so their fundamental needs are met, and they can actively participate, engage and contribute to family and community life.

Eligibility Criteria

To receive individual advocacy the person must:

A useful advocacy resource

This website has been developed by Disability Advocacy Network Australia Limited (DANA) to support advocacy for people with disabilities in connection with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

DANA is committed to the vision of an Australia that includes and values people with disabilities and respects human rights for all. Thoughtful use of NDIS funded services and supports can make a strong contribution to achieving this vision.

Whether you are a person with a disability, a family member or an independent disability advocacy agency, we aim to inform you about the rights and entitlements of people with disabilities under the NDIS and about how to engage with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to achieve supports that suit the wishes and circumstances of a person with disability.

You can browse the site for general information or use the main navigation menu and search function to find information about specific issues.

Referral information

Referrals are accepted from: individuals with disability/ family members/ friends, government and community agencies, including the Queensland Independent disability Advocacy Network (QIDAN)

All referrals are presented at a fortnightly intake meeting to determine whether individuals meet the criteria for assistance and whether AMPARO Advocacy has the resources available and the capacity to allocate an Advocate or Multicultural Engagement Officer to assist the person.

If you need an interpreter to speak with someone at AMPARO Advocacy, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) at 131 450 and ask them to contact AMPARO Advocacy at 3354 4900.

Please complete the form below or download our interactive PDF form, complete and email it back.

Acceptance of this referral will also depend on whether AMPARO Advocacy has the resources available and the capacity to allocate an Advocate or Multicultural Engagement Officer to assist the person.

Individual advocacy stories

Rosette's Story - English & Auslan

Rosette’s Story

“Disability is a normal thing… part of being human” When Rosette learned that her youngest child had Down Syndrome, she was unsure what this condition ...
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Woman with disability experiencing multiple and complex issues

Last year AMPARO advocated on behalf of Grete a young woman from a non-English speaking background who was left with significant physical and cognitive impairments ...
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The wider impact of mental illness

AMPARO Advocacy has been assisting Andrea, a woman who came to Australia under the Humanitarian Program, and who is a sole parent with 2 young ...
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At risk of being excluded from the educational system

AMPARO Advocacy has advocated on behalf of a young boy called Raja from a Liberian background who was at serious risk of being excluded from ...
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